Ercole Drei. Scultore a Roma

On display the works by the sculptor and painter Ercole Drei, born in Faenza but Roman by adoption, he has left some of his best works in the eternal city.
A sensitive sculptor, painter and draftsman, Drei, born in Faenza but Roman by adoption, was able to express with intensity his art both in major public works commissioned by the city of Rome and in small sculptures intended for private collectors.
Of the first period, still influenced by Symbolism and late Art Nouveau, the exhibition presents the bronze statue Estasi d’Amore (Ecstasy of Love), Ritratto di amica (Portrait of a friend) and Danzatrice con il cerchio (Dancer with a circle), all works dated 1913 ca, the latter work was exhibited in Rome at the Secession exhibition in 1914.
Drei's interest for decorative arts is represented by the bronzes Coppa con le rondini (Cup with the swallows - 1921-25) and Coppa con figura alata (Cup with winged figure - 1930), also represented is his interest in ceramics with Ratto di Europa (Rape of Europa) made by the ceramist Anselmo Bucci.
Among the portraits on display: Ritratto della moglie in costume (Portrait of his wife in costume - 1925), depicting the young wife Margherita Montanari dressed as a nineteenth century lady, La Famiglia (The Family - 1926), Interno dello studio (Interior - 1926), Il Pino di Villa Strohl-Fern (The Pine of Villa Strohl-Fern - 1930), Cancelli di Villa Borghese (Gates Villa Borghese - 1930), and 16 drawings in pencil or charcoal from the early twentieth century to the Fifties.
Tuesday-Sunday: 9.00 am - 7.00 pm;
Last admission 1/2 hour before closing time;
Closed: Monday.
Exhibition + Museum Combined Ticket:
Adults: € 5,50;
Concessions: € 4,50;
Free of charge to the visitors provided for by the current legislation.
Info: tel. +39 060608 (daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)
Museum Services: Zètema Progetto Cultura
Atac, La Repubblica
Press Room
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